Monday 11 June 2012

As many of you know we are off to Italy for 6 weeks .  After being fired by an Italian Tour operator (because as she stated..."I just can't work with your husband's budget") and having little success with a travel agent, we have finally figured out our own itinerary and booked our accommodations.  I think I have looked at every apartment rental/villa in Rome, Tuscany, Venice and Paris (oh yeah we are going there too) on-line.  I do NOT ever want to be a travel agent!  However if you ever need some advice on accommodation websites I might be able to help.

So here are our travel plans:

3 days Bassano del Grappa - B&B - this is where Paul's aunts, uncles and cousins live, most of which speak only Italian so the kids and I will just smile a lot and say Grazie.
7 days Lido Beach -  apartment (booked by the "Family") hopefully we like it!
4 days Rome - apartment - Giubbonari Apartment
3 days Sorrento -
7 days Tuscany - La Mucchia Casa Vacanza Cortona
7 day Lake Maggiore or somewhere - still need a place to stay (hopefully not in our car on the side of the Autostrada)
2 days back in Bassano del Grappa
4 days Venice -  apartment Barrozzi

4 days Paris - apartment Haut Marais

We will be busy but hopefully all the pasta, gelato and wine will keep us energized (OK no wine for the kids).  I am sure I will come back with a very large tummy...there will be pregnancy rumours but it will just be my high carb/sugar/alcohol diet! So no staring when we get home.  We will miss all of you guys but I am sure we will have some good stories to share (especially with Serena... those Italians have no idea what she is capable of).  So that is why we are starting our we can share some fun stories, a little history.  I know Luke is also excited to share some pics and stories with friends.

Ciao for now and stay tuned,

Paul, Denise, Luke and Serena

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