Thursday 28 June 2012

Rome Crazy Wonderful Rome

Hi All... sorry for the lack of updates.  Wifi and internet are not that readily available.
Our day of travelling to Rome was full of adventure.  A 2 hour stop in the middle of the autostrada in 35 degree heat.  There was a large accident on the autostrada which i guess is common as they travel at light speed and tailgate like crazy and cut you off at every opportunity. 
We arrive in Rome late at night (I do not recommend driving your own car into the center of Rome...EXTREMELY STRESS FILLED!  Luke and Serena were forbidden to talk and could only communicate with hand signals as Paul demanded SILENCE! We eventually found a parking garage and then taxied to our apartment. 
Our Apartment
We had a lovely place located just a few steps away from Campo di Fiori.  A wonderful lively square with street markets every morning and lovely small local designer clothing shops right under our apartment...big score for me (I did just a little shopping).
Visiting the Sites
Every day in Rome was hot, hot, hot.  One day over 40 degrees.  We saw all the major sites with kid friendly tour guides.  Our first was to all the historical sights, which we were able to walk to given our very central location.  Luke and Serena climbed the Spanish Steps, threw a coins into the Trevi Fountain, wandered through the Pantheon, saw the Roman Forum and the grand finale...the Colloseum. It was an amazing morning...4 .5 hours of walking.  And another 2 hours to walk home.  The Romans loved our little Serena who now can speak a few words of Italian...she has been a real charmer and our best traveller.  She walks for hours withouth complaining, just her happy go lucky self.  She has almost been squished by a few cars and vespas as her favourite activity is to chase the pigeons off the street. 
The Vatican and the Sistine Chapel
Another half day of tours starts at 7:30 am.  We see the amazing Sistine Chapel( did you know it took Michael Angelo 9 years to paint the ceiling and the walls), Vatican Museums and the world's largest church St. Peter's Basillica. Our tour guide Rosella was the quintissentail Italian with her hands and her spunk and her swearing at another tourist because Serena accidentally kicked her in the leg and when she yelled at Serena, Rosella came to our little Serena's defense with all her Italian fiery passion.
The Streets of Rome
Are crazy, vespa filled, tourist filled wonders.  The buildings are old and colourful and the Italian women have such flair and style and passion.  The squares are alive all hours of the day and night.  We walked everywhere and enjoyed ourselves immensely.  Would highly recommend this wonderful crazy city of 3 million people.  Just becareful when you eat at the lovely patios of the restaurants as you can be squished by a vespa or a small car!

Now in Sorrento and then to Tuscany....

Ciao...will update when I have access to internet ( forgive the lack of pictures but I am using hotel lobby computer).

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