Monday 23 July 2012


View up the Eiffel Tower from the 2nd level
Another lovely day in Paris...the sun was shining, the sky was blue and cloudless.  We got up early and headed to the Eiffel Tower to try and beat the crowds but I guess about another 1000 people had the same idea.  We bypassed the elevator line, which we estimated to be about three hours long, and went for the stairs...yes we climbed the to the second level (there are only three) which put us up at around 400 feet high.  The views were amazing!  However our little Serena decided that only going to the top would make her happy.  But the line up was again at least 3 hours long.  So Serena decided to cry for a good portion of her very highly anticipated Eiffel Tower visit.

Serena in her Paris Pose
After the Eiffel Tower we walked the Champs Elysees but were getting very tired.  The 6 weeks of constant walking have taken its toll on our family.  We look forward to seeing everyone when we return tomorrow.  Can't wait to share more stories with you upon our return.  I hope some of your kids are around to play with ours as Luke and Serena have grown very tired of us and each other.  24/7 for 6 weeks can do that !  This will be the final blog for this trip.  Thanks for following our adventures...

 Au Revoir  from Paris,

Denise, Paul, Luke and Serena

1 comment:

  1. What a trip!! Welcome back, hope to see you guys soon and hear all about it. Let me guess, you stayed away from the unrefrigerated eggs.
