Sunday 22 July 2012


Ok I thought Rome was crazy but Paris has it beat.  Everything in Paris is "Grande".  So many spectacular , large, and elaborate buildings.  You walk by a building and think it is a special historical sight only to find it is just a random building.  Today our first adventure was to walk to the Louvre and we did and we only get lost  once...not bad.  We bought our tickets in advance so we bypassed the lines and went straight for the Grand Gallery and the MONA LISA.  Luke snaked his way to the front of the  crowd and as I was taking his picture this old granny tries to take me out with her elbows and her camera.  I stood my ground but she just about bowled us over.  Yikes they can get aggressive around the  Mona Lisa.

We then raced off to visit Venus De Milo (she is missing her arms in case you didn't know).  The Louvre can be overwhelming and we only spent about 2 hours in the museum before Luke and Serena demanded a change of scenery.  Overall the crowds were not bad because ...guess what...they were all lining the streets for the final of the TOUR DE FRANCE.  WOOHOO!

Paul is pumped as we did not know the final of the Tour de France was here when we booked our stay.  We went to the Tuilleries Garden and hung out at the fair (mini Stampede grounds) and then just before the final riders came in we made our way down the the street just before the Champs Elysees.  A kind man gave over some of his space and the kids got to stand right against the rail as the riders flew by.  Big Thrill for all.  And by luck and by golly I got a shot of the winner in his yellow jersey as he flew by and I mean flew by...those guys ride fast and they were moving it through the streets.
The winner "Bradley Wiggins" in the yellow jersey

         This was a real unexpected treat for us all.  Lots of firsts on this trip.                                                                                                                                                     
The race course as viewed from Arc de Triomphe
Here are some random pictures of Paris we think you might enjoy....

Beach on the River Seine
Tomorrow we take on the Eiffel Tower and the 2-3 hour line ups to get to the top.  Yikes...I hope it is worth it.

Bon soir to all,

Denise, Paul, Luke and Serena

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