Friday 20 July 2012


Lake Lugano
Our last day in Switzerland was spent with Romano and his lovely family (his wife Susanne and 10 month old daughter Ayanna (spelling??).  Romano has been very patient with us as we always seem to get lost and be late for all of our outings.  This day was no different as we got lost again and were late for our day.  However we spent a lovely afternoon doing a small hike around Lake Lugano and having a wonderful lunch at the lakeside.  Many thanks to our friend Romano and Susanne for showing us a wonderful time in Switzerland.  It was also on this day that our little Serena decided to have a major temper tantrum and she frightened all the wild life away as well as some tourists.  This day marked the day where our best little traveller has now become our worst little traveller.  She now has many tantrums a day and refuses to eat most meals.  It seems 4 weeks has been the maximum time for her to travel...but alas we are not done our travels.

Back to Bassano

We were welcomed back to Bassano del Grappa with open arms and wonderful food and company.  Paul's cousin Fabio and his wife Monica arranged a wonderful lunch, followed by a tour of the town Asiago (the famous cheese is made here).  Unfortunately it poured rain while we walked the streets of this beautiful town, perched high in the mountains.  There were 15 of us soggy and cold so we stopped at a little cafe to have some caffes, hot chocolates and of course Birre (beer).  Did you know that hot chocolate here is actually pure melted chocolate in a mug (no milk or cream)....super yum!  It was a nice surprise as I did not know that when I ordered it.
Later that night almost all of Paul's aunts, uncles, cousins and their children (approximately 40 Battistella's in one room)  gathered for dinner at a lovely pizzeria. Luke had a great time with his second cousin Nicolo, who is also 9.  Although neither could speak the other's language they managed to bond over the time they spent together (one week at the beginning of the holiday and these last few days) playing soccer.  Luke has developed quite the passion for the game while over here in Italy.   Serena, of course, charmed the relatives with her singing and dancing and her Italian words.  A great visit for our family and an opportunity to connect with family they had never met before!


We leave our car in Bassano and catch a train to Venice.  We arrive with 4 suitcases and 3 backpacks and lug them through the streets of Venice to our apartment.  We have rented in the district of Dosoduro which is fairly close to the train station but is actually away from a lot of the high tourist traffic of San Marco square.  We are in a corner apartment so we have a view down a main canal and a side canal.  Our apartment is over 300 years old and used to be a palace at some point.  Since Venice is sinking so is our apartment...the kids bedroom floor slopes at least 6- 8 inches from one side to the other.  They sleep with their feet higher than their heads (hehe).  It is quite large and I keep getting lost as the layout is quite different.  We have a very small balcony so we can sit do some great people watching.
Our days here have been filled with sightseeing and getting lost in the back streets of Venice.  You can walk for blocks only to find you have wound yourself into a deadend street.  Luke keeps worrying that we won't find our way back to the apartment.
Our first day we went to San Marco (Saint Mark's square) so Serena and Luke could watch the pigeons.  They did not pay any attention to the Basillica or the Doge Palace...just the pigeons! Go figure.  At night we wander the streets just taking in all the beautiful architecture, canals etc.  Venice needs to be experienced at night when all the day trippers head home and the streets become more sane.
We made a trip to the island of Murano to see some glass being made and to bring home some real Murano glass souvenirs.  It was like a mini Venice except the only shops here are glass shops.  I am not so sure I would do that day trip again...
Our final day in Venice and we toured the St. Mark's Basillica and Doge's Palace.  We also walked the streets for hours.  And the highlight was of course our trip down the Grand Canal and other small canals in a GONDOLA.  The kids loved it and it was a wonderful way to see the sights of Venice.

The narrow streets of Venice

Our Gondola Ride

View from our apartment balcony

Things about Italy...some Random thoughts.
-the drivers are crazy
-there are no take out coffees (you pay your $1 and stand and drink at the counter)
-no Starbucks anywhere we have been
-eggs are not refrigerated
-all pizzas have thin crust
-tips are included in the bill
-pop is more expensive than wine
-bathrooms can be "interesting"
-pigeons are not our friends
-gelatos are better than ice-cream
-you don't drink water from the tap
-acqua frizzante is Serena's favourite
-Rome was still our favourite city, followed by Venice
-no bagels anywhere
I am sure we will come up with more but that is all we have for now.

Random thoughts about Paul losing things:
-2 credit cards
-our expensive running shoes (forgotten in the trunk of a car)
-set of apartment keys
-one back pack (only to be found again sitting in a restaurant)
So far he hasn't lost us (although I am sure he would like to at times)


We have to admit we are ready to come home after 5 weeks of constant travel.  But we are now in Paris.  Our apartment is not the best so we are a bit disappointed (OK I am a lot disappointed) in our accomodation but on our first night we already had a picnic outside the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed the outdoor entertainment in place de Trocodero.  We will be seeing the sights of Paris over the next three days and then we will be making our way home on the 24th.  Can't wait to see all of you...

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